Our Mission Statement我们的使命

To secure the future of the Chinese community in Northern Ireland within a framework of racial equality and enable all sections of the community to fully participate in both the development of the community and the wider society.

在提供种族平等的前提下 确保北爱华人社区的前途促使社区中各组成部份能全面参与社区的发展并融入主流社区

Our Core Aims

Aim 1 – Enabling and supporting community development and developing the community infrastructure within the Chinese community; 支持华人社区的发展并发展社区内的社区基础设施

Aim 2 – Providing or securing services which meet the social and health needs arising out of the disadvantaged position of the  Chinese community; 提供或保障华人社区作为弱势群体对于社会和健康需求方面的服务

Aim 3 – Enabling children and young people to realise their full potential as active citizens within both the Chinese and wider community; 让中国儿童和青年能够充分发挥他们作为中国人和本地社区的积极的公民的潜力

Aim 4 – Developing a greater cultural awareness within both the Chinese and wider community and work towards the elimination of racism and discrimination.  努力提高华人社区和本地社区的内文化意识,争取消除种族主义和歧视

Aim 5 – Securing the resources and facilities needed to achieve the core aims of the organisation. 确保实现机构核心目标所需的资源和设施

Aim 6– Using our unique community’s experience to provide leadership and mentorship to other BME communities 运用我们独特的社区经验,为其他少数民族的社区提供指导

Aim 7 – Supporting and strengthening links between Northern Ireland and the Peoples Republic of China 支持并加强北爱尔兰和中华人民共和国之间的联系

The Chinese Resource Centre of Northern Ireland

In 2011, the Chinese Resource Centre, managed by Chinese Welfare Association, opened its doors on Monday 19th September. This has been a great achievement for the Chinese community. Situated on the banks of the river Lagan, on the leafy Ormeau Embankment, the new £1.3 million, 880 square metre centre boasts a state-of-the-art multipurpose hall, training rooms, library, conference rooms, creche and playground.

It aims to enhance diversity and develop the participation of Chinese people in all aspects of social, cultural, economic and public life across Northern Ireland. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has supported this project for over 14 years and helped fundraise amongst the Chinese community to support the Centre. The opening of the Centre remains’ our proudest moment’ to date.


Chinese Community Development

Enabling and supporting community development and developing the community infrastructure within the Chinese community; 支持华人社区的发展并发展社区内的社区基础设施

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Welfare and Support Services

Providing or securing services which meet the social and health needs arising out of the disadvantaged position of the  Chinese community; 提供或保障华人社区作为弱势群体对于社会和健康需求方面的服务

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Education and Youth Work

Enabling and supporting community development and developing the community infrastructure within the Chinese community; 支持华人社区的发展并发展社区内的社区基础设施

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Facilities, and Resource Hub

Providing or securing services which meet the social and health needs arising out of the disadvantaged position of the  Chinese community; 提供或保障华人社区作为弱势群体对于社会和健康需求方面的服务

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Promoting Culture to Ensure Equality

Developing a greater cultural awareness within both the Chinese and wider community and work towards the elimination of racism and discrimination.  努力提高华人社区和本地社区的内文化意识,争取消除种族主义和歧视

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Working with other BAME Communities

Using our unique community’s experience to provide leadership and mentorship to other BME communities 运用我们独特的社区经验,为其他少数民族的社区提供指导

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Building Bridges to China

Supporting and strengthening links between Northern Ireland and the Peoples Republic of China 支持并加强北爱尔兰和中华人民共和国之间的联系

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