Welcome to I in NI

The project aims to put the ‘I’ into N.I. in this Centenary year It will help us learn about the place we live, and reflect on its past in a journey of discovery which will allow us all to share our stories of identity, diversity and legacy in a modern Northern Ireland.

We want to start new conversations with new people in order to develop new ways of living better together. The education and engagement aspects of the project are aimed what we call ‘new’ audiences.  That means children who are ‘new’ to the subject and will be learning about the history and legacy of Northern Ireland at school. Secondly new audiences are Black and ethnic minority (BEM) communities who have recently arrived or who have until now avoiding getting involved in what they see as a divisive issue. Finally we hope to reach new visitors who are planning to travel here on holiday or to study

歡迎來到 I in NI 北愛百年


今年北愛爾蘭歡慶一百週年,藉此I in NI北愛百年計劃我們可更了解北愛這個我們居住的地方,並在回顧過住之旅中反思其過去,這樣我們都能分享我們現今處身在北愛爾蘭的身份,多元而又豐富的故事。


我們希望與各位新朋舊友展開新的對談,以啟發創造更好的共同生活方式。I in NI北愛百年計劃中教育和參與這方面是針對我們的新受眾,包括學齡兒童將在學校學習到北愛爾蘭的歷史和故事,剛移居北愛或直到現在之前一直避免涉及這些他們認為是敏感話題的少數民族社區成員。最後,我們希望吸引到計劃在北愛度假或學習的人士。

As Northern Ireland steps forward into its next 100 years we look back on all that has been achieved but those who have called it home. From the life saving inventors to international sports stars the people who have come from here feature heavily in our story. However as we developed our project we realised that Northern Ireland not only made great people but it is made by great people, all the people who live here and who now choose to make it their home.

It is a complicated contested place and that can make it difficult to understand and adapt to, but as we got to Know Norn Iron – as the locals call it, we realised that even its difficult past has many parallels with other places which have experienced conflict and partition. Our conversations with communities who had experienced partition in other places around the world has helped us understand the Partition of Ireland in new ways and in turn to help explain it to others.

So if you are new to Northern Ireland, either learning about its history for the first time in school, or coming to make your home here and finding it difficult to understand the divisions or a student or tourist planning to visit Northern Ireland we hope that our project will help you. Why not add your experience to the ongoing story of NI, why not help put the I in NI.

I Love NI

Why we love Northern Ireland gave people from all ethnic backgrounds an opportunity to reflect on all that is great about this place. It means different things to different people and no matter what your religious or political background it is difficult not to be touched by the beauty and the heritage of this place.

As part of our 2022 Chinese New Year celebrations our Shared History project has given us the chance to reflect on some of the things we love about Northern Ireland and why it feels like home to us. So why not watch and enjoy our musical fusion as it blends local talent like songwriter Jim Lindsay and the voice of Amy Gardiner as she performs as part of the New Gate Culture and Arts Centre Centenary celebrations with the sounds of the Chinese Guzheng.

Why not add your voice to ours and tell us why your love Northern Ireland and what your views its future are.

Say HI to NI

Discover the faces, places and voices which make Northern Ireland the place to be. As part of our Know Norn Iron learning resources we will be introducing the famous faces, amazing places, unique voices and talented artists who originate from here and have helped put us on the map. As we introduce them to you you will learn just what makes Northern Ireland special.

Say Hi Today

Join Us on a Journey of Discovery

Our project aims to help you about Northern Ireland. As we mark its Centenary we hope to start a conversation not only about its past but about its present and future.  By talking to academics, exerts and those with lived experience our team will be able to make their knowledge more accessible to a range of new audiences.

Our events and activities will help you navigate the often confusing and contentious issues, offering an impartial informed interpretation which will allow you to understand and reflect on the issues.

Finally we want to hear your thoughts as you add your voice to the conversation and better engage in community, and civic life. 

We hope you will join us on our journey into the past which will help you engage in the modern discussions around Northern Ireland and to form your views on its future. Most of all we want to learn about your story and how it helps shape the place we call home. 

I in NI

Its All About You and I

We believe that history should always be about the story and that even when we don’t always agree about the past its still worth talking about it.

Understanding the past of this place will help to embed the peace we enjoy today and prepare for whatever the future holds. So join us as we learn about the first 100 years of this story and where it fits into the world around us.

Get Involved

Join the Centenary Conversation
Lets get talking about Northern Ireland, its origins and history as well as what makes it unique and interesting. We all have something to say as we discover what it means to be an I in N.I.

Join the Conversation

I in N.I.

Space for Stories About this Place
Inspired to write about Northern Ireland and help others understand its romantic often tragic past Alex explains just what this place means to her….

Read All Our Stories

Latest news

Catch up on all the latest project news and the wider events and activities being supported by the Shared History Fund to mark Northern Ireland’s Centenary.

Grill an Expert

We gave you the power to ask the questions you always wanted to know the answers to and to test the experts and academics. Our ‘Grill and Expert’ section has allowed ordinary people to get answers to difficult questions about Northern Ireland and to hear about the past in a way that is easier to understand and access.

Listen to Our Experts Answer Your Questions